
Feeding Your Website

Keep your site nourished with fresh content, fine-tune regularly, and maintain a balanced, consistent approach to thrive.


October 7, 2024


Steve Berry

Feeding Your Website

Your website isn’t just a digital storefront; it’s your brand’s best salesperson. Like any top performer, it thrives when well-fed and cared for. I like to think of my website as a living entity that needs regular nourishment to keep it sharp.

Every Monday, like clockwork, I serve it a hearty meal of fresh, insightful opinion pieces—reliable fuel for the week ahead. We throw in some “snackable” work-in-progress updates between the big meals. These little boosts help keep things lively without bogging it down.

When we want to really treat our website right, we take it out to a fine dining experience: the polished, well-crafted content that represents our brand’s best. Sometimes it’s a hit; sometimes it’s not quite to taste. But that’s the beauty of it—we’re always exploring, expanding our palette, and evolving. The variety ensures we’re always ready for the next opportunity.

Now, when the stakes are high, we don’t rush to gorge on a heavy carb-loaded meal hoping to power through. That’s a recipe for disaster. Imagine your website bloated, slow, and embarrassing itself in front of a client. It’s like a runner scarfing down pasta right before a race—no one wants to deal with cramps (or worse).

Top athletes don’t wait until the season starts to get in shape, nor should your digital experience. It’s about cultivating a consistent, well-balanced approach to keep everything running smoothly. Your web presence, like a finely tuned athlete, should be versatile, disciplined, and always in peak condition. By consistently feeding it a diverse diet, you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way.

Steve Berry
Principal, Thought Merchants